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The world’s first

cheering app for globally connected fans


The visual identities of sports organisations & sponsors are used solely for the purpose of presentation.

What is it?
How does
it work?
Why Fans'

Fans’ Heart is the first cheering application that unites the hearts of football (sport) fans across the world whilst a match is being played - gives them a voice and creates value for fans, clubs, leagues & sponsors.


Fans' Heart is a type of “football passion detector” which through the heartbeats of individual fans, captures, merges and measures the pulse of the entire football audience around the world, watching the same game at the same time.


Moreover, it combines the passion of the fans of chosen team and compares it to the passion of the fans of its rivals. Fans who collect more heartbeats on average win. The result is Championship of Fans, the first competition in which millions of fans can unite on the planetary level and compete.


Watch the video below.

Fans become part of the game –appreciated and rewarded by clubs or brands for their love and support; while sports organisations and sponsors get a new media and conversational platform - a tool to activate and monetise more than 1,5 billion existing supporters on social media.


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Gain while cheering

Fans' Heart brings glory by winning fan competitions side by side with the club and/or national team competitions (Champions League / Premier League/ La Liga etc.) Moreover, Fans’ Heart provides many other comparisons: Best fanatic city, sports pub, family or group of friends…


Fans’ Heart brings benefits and rewards while cheering. Each heartbeat counts and brings a certain value - “beat-coins” to the wallet of each fan. The more heartbeats a fan collects by supporting his club, the more benefits he receives.

Beyond loyalty

Fans’ Heart activates & monetise fan base, builds knowledge of fans, increases their loyalty and provides meaningful data driven connection with them at the moment of their high affinity and

openness valuable for sponsors and clubs.


Entering the era of active fandom, Fans’ Heart meets the majority of fans’, sport organisations’ and sponsors’ expectations: Engage fans & give them a voice; Monetise crowds of fans on social media, Elevate sponsorship activation of big sport events to another level.

Sport organisations

Watch the video


  Want to know more?  

Arrange a meeting for
a personal presentation.
White paper upon request.

Podjetje United Hearts d.o.o. je v okviru Javnega razpisa Spodbude za zagon inovativnih podjetij v letu 2021 (P2 2021) dobilo sofinancirano operacijo Fans’ Heart. Z finančno podporo, ki bomo jo prejeli bo podjetje izvedlo predvideno operacijo. 


Operacija obsega razvoj in komercializacijo storitev povezanih s postavitvijo platforme Fans’ Heart - unikatna večplastna navijaška platforma; nekakšen množični detektor strasti, ki meri in primerja navijaško strast v trenutku nogometne tekme in globalno povezuje navijače, igralce, klube, sponzorje in ostale športne deležnike. Fans' Heart ustvarja nov, lasten medijski prostor, kjer sponzorji direktno nagovarjajo svoje kupce. Koncept je enostavno prenosljiv na druge športe in zabave.


Cilj operacije je zaposlovanje v podjetju in začetek komercializacije ideje po izvedbi operacije, ki jo je podjetje prijavilo. V času trajanja operacije pa bosta izvedena razvoj in pa priprava MVP-ja ob sodelovanju z mentorjem.

Naložbo financirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj (ESRR)

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